What is a solar inverter?

What is a solar inverter?
Solar inverters are part of the solar power system, which helps to convert the energy of the solar into available energy. Family and enterprises' solar panels are composed of group semiconductors, which reacts to sunlight by release electrons. However, although these free electrons can cross the circuit, they cannot be used for most electrical appliances before solar inverters. The photovoltaic (PV) battery in the solar power system converts sunlight into DC (DC) electricity. The inverter converts the DC voltage to adults to meet the communication (AC) of its part of its or all energy needs.

Solar inverters

The necessity of solar inverters is because DC and AC power work methods are different. In the DC power system, the current flows only in one direction. In the AC power system, the current moves in two directions. Although some things that need electricity can use AC or DC power, domestic power grid uses AC power. Therefore, almost everything we use every day is directly or through the converter to run on the AC power supply.

Two or more solar panels are connected to a solar inverter. The inverter maximizes the power from the solar panel through the maximum power point tracking function. High -frequency adjustment and 0 phase offset technology are synchronized with the grid, and eventually realized the power power grid.

Therefore, solar inverters are also called photovoltaic DC AC inverters. It is an indispensable part of the solar system. The main function of solar inverters is to convert the DC electricity generated by solar panels into AC power for household appliances. All electrical energy generated by solar panels must be processed by solar inverters to output. Its reliable, stable, and secure are directly related to whether the solar system can run smoothly. Its conversion efficiency directly affects the efficiency of power generation. Its service life is also directly related to the life of the photovoltaic power generation system. Therefore, when buying a inverter Find a machine that is suitable for your solar system according to your needs.

Which solar mixed inverter and ordinary inverter are better?

Solar inverters refer to a built -in solar controller on the basis of ordinary inverters. Compared with ordinary inverters, the built -in solar controller of the solar mixed inverter can increase the power generation rate of solar panels and maximize the utilization of the entire solar system.

What is the effect of solar inverters?

Solar inverter is a device that can change DC electricity in solar battery into AC power. The inverter is also known as the power adjustment and power regulator, which is an indispensable part of the photovoltaic power generation system. The working circuit of the solar inverter must be a full -bridge circuit. By filtering and modulation in a series of filtering and modulation in the full bridge circuit, the load and electrical of the current can be changed to achieve the purpose of the user's expectations.

The common solar power system is mainly composed of four parts, namely solar panels, charging controllers, solar inverters and batteries. Solar panels are a device that provides DC power, which can convert solar energy into electrical energy; charging controller is mainly responsible for controlling the conversion energy; solar inverters are transformed into AC power to storage and batteries for storage and batteries for storage and batteries. The AC electricity is stored for people's use. The solar inverter plays a role in the entire solar power system.

What type of solar inverter can be divided into?
Solar inverters can be classified according to function;
Power inverter: Simply put, the power inverter is usually used to convert DC electricity (DC) stored in the battery to standard household AC (AC).

Revelation charger: The inverter charger is a collective name for the mesh inverter, the grid -connected inverter, and the hybrid inverter. By integrating the function of PV power generation and energy storage to the battery, it overcome the unstable weather changes. The disadvantage is that through the downtown power and peak output power, the peak power generation of public causes is greatly reduced, the capacity of the power grid is greatly increased, and the power grid working hours can be increased.

Mini inverter: Generally refers to the inverter of the power in the photovoltaic power generation system less than 1,000 watts, a component -level MPPT, and the full name is the micro photovoltaic grid -connected inverter. "Micro" is relative to the traditional concentrated inverter. The traditional photovoltaic inverter method is to connect all the DC electricity generated by all photovoltaic batteries under the sun, and then turn the DC power into AC power to the grid by a inverter; Reverse. Its advantage is that each component can control the independent MPPT control, which can greatly improve the overall efficiency. At the same time, it can also avoid the DC high pressure, poor light effects, and barrel effects of centralized inverters.

What are the output waveforms of the inverter?
The inverter is divided by the output waveform, which is mainly divided into two categories, one is a sine wave inverter, and the other is the square wave inverter.
The sine wave inverter is output is the same as the power grid that we use daily or even better sine wave AC power, because it does not have electromagnetic pollution in the grid.
The Fang wave inverter outputs a poorly -quality square wave AC power, which is generated by the maximum value to the maximum value of the maximum value at the same time. Most of the inverters on the upper are sine wave inverters.

The problem of inverter efficiency:
The inverter also consumes a part of the electricity at work, so its input power is greater than its output power. The efficiency of the inverter is the ratio of the output power of the inverter to input power. For example, a inverter inputs 100 watts of DC electricity and outputs 90 watts of AC power, then its efficiency is 90%.

How to choose a inverter that suits you?
How to choose a inverter that suits you, you need to calculate the rated power of the household appliances used at the same time, and consider that the electrical appliances are staggered. At the same time, the power required at the beginning of the electrical appliances is the peak power, which is far greater than the rated power. Such as air conditioning, refrigerator, washing machine, induction cooker, microwave oven, etc.

For example, if the total load power is 800 watt, it is recommended to reserve a 2-3 times space, and select a more power inverter. Because the peak power will affect the output and energy storage of the inverter. The actual bearing power of the inverter is also a big problem, which often requires a high -quality inverter. The nominal power of many inverters is much lower than the actual carrier.
Note: Also pay attention to whether the panel VOC reaches the starting voltage of the machine. Only by reaching the starting voltage of the machine can the machine start the work.